Each week I publish a new essay, poem or video via Substack. You can subscribe to get my weekly thoughts straight to your inbox here:

Here are a few of my recent essays:

Unpolished Tenderness

Unpolished Tenderness

Reflections on my stumbling attempts to write a poem everyday. And four un-edited poems for you. When it comes to motivation- I am a sprinter, not a marathoner. I am either doing all the healthy things - going to bed on time, journaling, walking, meditating, not ordering an abundance of take out, etc. Or none of the healthy things. It’s cyclical. Neither stage lasts forever. It used to really...

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Up until my late 20s, I always assumed my testimony would just keep getting stronger and stronger as I grew more and more certain. Instead I experienced just the opposite- the older I grew, the less and less I knew for certain.We've been taught that life and growth should be linear - that we should always be progressing. Always becoming stronger, better, smarter, more certain.But the pattern of...

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For Those Transitioning Their Faith

For Those Transitioning Their Faith

I bless you with the stubborn conviction that you are not doing this wrong For there is no right way to do this. There is only your way- Only what resonates with you and what doesn’t Only what works for you and what doesn’t Only what feels true to you. May you see your own integrity and look at it the way a parent looks at their toddler in their first ballet recital. And when a tidal wave of...

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